BannerBit Breach Details
Breach Date: 29 December 2018
In approximately December 2018, the online ad platform BannerBit suffered a data breach. Containing 213k unique email addresses and plain text passwords, the data was provided to HIBP by a third party. Multiple attempts were made to contact BannerBit, but no response was received.
Breached Data:
• Email addresses
• Passwords
Check Email Address
Breach Date: 29 December 2018
In approximately December 2018, the online ad platform BannerBit suffered a data breach. Containing 213k unique email addresses and plain text passwords, the data was provided to HIBP by a third party. Multiple attempts were made to contact BannerBit, but no response was received.
Breached Data:
• Email addresses
• Passwords
Check Email Address