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hackforums.net Breach

Breached: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Instant messenger identities, IP addresses, Passwords, Social connections, Spoken languages, Time zones, User website URLs, Usernames, Website activity.

hackforums.net Breach Details

Domain: hackforums.net
Breach Date: 25 June 2011

In June 2011, the hacktivist group known as "LulzSec" leaked one final large data breach they titled "50 days of lulz". The compromised data came from sources such as AT&T, Battlefield Heroes and the hackforums.net website. The leaked Hack Forums data included credentials and personal information of nearly 200,000 registered forum users.

Breached Data:
• Dates of birth
• Email addresses
• Instant messenger identities
• IP addresses
• Passwords
• Social connections
• Spoken languages
• Time zones
• User website URLs
• Usernames
• Website activity

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