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Imavex Breach

Breached: Email addresses, Genders, Names, Partial credit card data, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Usernames.

Imavex Breach Details

Domain: imavex.com
Breach Date: 20 August 2021

In August 2021, the website development company Imavex suffered a data breach that exposed 878 thousand unique email addresses. The data included user records containing names, usernames and password material with some records also containing genders and partial credit card data, including the last 4 digits of the card and expiry date. Hundreds of thousands of form submissions and orders via Imavex customers were also exposed and contained further personal information of submitters and the contents of the form.

Breached Data:
• Email addresses
• Genders
• Names
• Partial credit card data
• Passwords
• Phone numbers
• Physical addresses
• Purchases
• Usernames

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