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LuLu Breach

Breached: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases.

LuLu Breach Details

Domain: luluhypermarket.com
Breach Date: 6 July 2024

In July 2024, the Emirati-based LuLu retail store suffered a data breach. The impacted data included 190k email addresses and associated phone numbers which were subsequently shared on a popular hacking forum. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "IntelBroker". The following month, the threat of leaking the full database was carried out and a backup from October 2022 with a further 2.6M unique email addresses appeared. This data also included names, physical addresses, orders and PBKDF2 password hashes.

Breached Data:
• Email addresses
• Names
• Passwords
• Phone numbers
• Physical addresses
• Purchases

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