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TaiLieu Breach

Breached: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Usernames.

TaiLieu Breach Details

Domain: tailieu.vn
Breach Date: 24 November 2019

In November 2019, the Vietnamese education website TaiLieu allegedly suffered a data breach exposing 7.3M customer records. Impacted data included names and usernames, email addresses, dates of birth, genders and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. The data was provided to HIBP by dehashed.com after being shared on a popular hacking forum. TaiLieu did not respond when contacted about the incident.

Breached Data:
• Dates of birth
• Email addresses
• Genders
• Geographic locations
• Names
• Passwords
• Phone numbers
• Usernames

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