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Tappware Breach

Breached: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Government issued IDs, Job titles, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Religions.

Tappware Breach Details

Domain: tappware.com
Breach Date: 23 April 2024

In April 2024, a substantial volume of data was taken from the Bangladeshi IT services provider Tappware and published to a popular hacking forum. Comprising of 95k unique email addresses, the data also included extensive labour information on local citizens including names, physical addresses, job titles, dates of birth, genders and scans of government issued national identity (NID) cards.

Breached Data:
• Dates of birth
• Email addresses
• Genders
• Government issued IDs
• Job titles
• Names
• Phone numbers
• Physical addresses
• Religions

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