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Zacks Breach

Breached: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Usernames.

Zacks Breach Details

Domain: zacks.com
Breach Date: 10 May 2020

In December 2022, the investment research company Zacks announced a data breach. The following month, reports emerged of the incident impacting 820k customers. However, in June 2023, a corpus of data with almost 9M Zacks customers appeared before being broadly circulated on a popular hacking forum. The most recent data was dated May 2020 and included names, usernames, email and physical addresses, phone numbers and passwords stored as unsalted SHA-256 hashes. On disclosure of the larger breach, Zacks advised that in addition to their original report "the unauthorised third parties also gained access to encrypted [sic] passwords of zacks.com customers, but only in the encrypted [sic] format".

Breached Data:
• Email addresses
• Names
• Passwords
• Phone numbers
• Physical addresses
• Usernames

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