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Zooville Breach

Breached: Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames.

Zooville Breach Details

Domain: zooville.org
Breach Date: 27 September 2019

In September 2019, the zoophilia and bestiality forum Zooville suffered a data breach. The usernames and email addresses of 71k members were accessed via an unpatched vulnerability in the vBulletin forum software then subsequently distributed online. A second data set was later provided to HIBP which contained a complete vBulletin database dump including IP addresses, dates of birth and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. The site administrator advised that following the breach, all data had been deleted from the forum and a new one had been stood up on the XenForo platform. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "burger vault".

Breached Data:
• Dates of birth
• Email addresses
• IP addresses
• Passwords
• Usernames

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