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What is Penetration Testing?

A penetration test also known as pen testing or ethical hacking is the practice of testing a computer system, networks and web applications to discover any security vulnerabilities within a business.

Essentially it’s a controlled form of hacking, Penetration testers work on the businesses behalf to detect any security weaknesses that could be exploited by cyber criminals. It’s simply being one step ahead of the criminals minimising cyber attacks on your business.

What is Web App Pen Testing?

Web application penetration testing will test your website or web-app to help uncover vulnerabilities and poor security controls, exploit weaknesses and insecure application functionally.

The tester will use a blend of cutting-edge automated tools and manual hands-on expertise to find and exploit security weaknesses in your mobile, web apps, and APIs.

The main standard or testing methodology used to test is OWASP. Testers are accredited by a number of organisations, usually OSWA, OSWE, or CEST/CyberScheme Web App Team Leader.

What is Mobile Application Pen Testing?

Mobile application penetration testing will test your mobile application, either Android or iOS to help uncover issues. This is usually combined with an API pen-test. The tester will leverage a combination of advanced automated tools and hands-on expertise to identify and exploit security vulnerabilities in your mobile applications. Testing is primarily based on the OWASP MASV guidelines.

What is API Pen Testing?

API penetration testing will test your API. The tester will utilize a combination of state-of-the-art automated tools and manual expertise to identify and exploit security vulnerabilities in your APIs. The primary testing methodology follows OWASP API guidelines.

What is IoT Pen Testing?

IoT device penetration testing will test your IoT device. IoT penetration testing involves evaluating the security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and ecosystems to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. This process includes testing the hardware, firmware, communication protocols, mobile applications, and cloud interfaces that interact with the IoT devices. The goal is to assess the overall security posture, detect potential weaknesses, and determine how these vulnerabilities could be exploited to compromise the device or the wider network. IoT pen-testing is critical because IoT devices often operate in sensitive environments, including homes, industries, and critical infrastructures, making them a prime target for cyber threats.

What is Network Penetration Testing?

Local infrastructure pen tests from our experienced security experts test your external network entry points along with internal network infrastructure.

Infrastructure pen testing effectively detects the flaws in your network and can identify any loopholes where cyber criminals can exploit. It will provide your business with detailed insight on how secure your business network is.

What are Vulnerability Assessments?

A vulnerability assessment will scan and check your computer network and identify any devices on it, including printers, scanners, laptops, mobile phones. It is a systematic review of a businesses’ security measures. The vulnerability assessment will provide a severity of the weakness detected and establish how the vulnerabilities can be fixed.

Generally, the weakest point of any system is human. If a dodgy link is clicked on via an email by staff on a works network hackers will have access to the network and may plant malware or steal information from the business.

To protect your business from cyber attacks you can carry out regular security checks on your computer systems :

  • Check your existing security measures, make sure they are still effective
  • Identify security flaws, this way you can resolve them before they become exploited by cyber criminals
  • Test new software and systems for bugs