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2024 Award Wins

North IT is award winning pen-testing and cyber assurance service and this year we have had three new additions to our awards cabinet.

Paul Jenkins, our Managing Director commended on the awards. “We are incredibly honoured to have been recognised as the LiveWire Cybersecurity Company of the Year 2024 and to have achieved runner-up positions for both Cybersecurity Company of the Year 2024 (runner-up) and Best International Cybersecurity Service with the prestigious Business Awards UK. These reflect the hard work, dedication, and innovation of our entire team, whose commitment to delivering exceptional pen-testing services and cybersecurity services, keeping our customers secure.

Cybersecurity Company of the Year 2024 – Won

North IT won the Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2024/25 for Cybersecurity Company of the Year

Best International Cybersecurity Service – Runner up

North IT was a runner up in the 2024 Business Awards UK for Cybersecurity and Resilience Awards.

Cybersecurity Company of the Year 2024 – Runner up

North IT was a runner up in the 2024 Business Awards UK for Cybersecurity and Resilience Awards.