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North IT Helps Cognism Acquire Mailtastic

North Cyber Security helped a world leading prospecting solution Cognism acquire Mailtastic, an email signature marketing platform.

Cognism approached North Cyber Security to carry out a Technical Due Diligence on a business they were looking to acquire, we helped mitigate risk by auditing the technology they were purchasing.

Cognism was founded in 2015, based in London and is passionate about data and the role it can play in prospecting. The future of Cognism now allows clients to lower customer acquisition costs by being able to use email as a powerful marketing tool as part of their lead generation capabilities. The deal reinforces Cognism’s data intelligence abilities.

Our due diligence services for this technology acquisition included

Technical Due Diligence

We conducted a full audit including development, team overview, Project Management process and quality assurance. The audit provides detailed reports, identifying any security vulnerabilities and offering suggestions on how things can be improved.

Code Quality Audit

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of source code in programming projects with the intent of checking for quality, discovering bugs, potential security issues and maintainability.

FOSS Audit & Open Source Audit

We conducted a FOSS audit to make sure all licenses complied with legal requirements.

OWASP Web App Penetration Test

We conducted an audit that analyses all aspects of the web application to help uncover vulnerabilities, any misconfigured security controls and weaknesses that could be exploited.

Stjepan Buljatv – CTO – Cognism said: “North IT were able to assist us in some of the technical due diligence for our M&A process quickly and within budget. The report was accurate, detailed, and useful for our technical team as well as the non-technical people conducting due diligence.”

Here at North IT we are happy to take care of the technical side of things to ensure a smooth M&A process as well as identifying any potential issues. Our technology and security experts guarantee to deliver high quality reports to help any business grow and move forward securely.

Learn more about our IT Due Diligence.