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Top 5 Cyber Security Tips for Businesses

Cyber Security is something that all businesses need to focus on to prevent being a victim of a cyber attack. Cyber attacks can include, theft of corporate information, fraudulent emails, viruses and malware.

With an increasing number of businesses all transferring over to the digital world, it’s now more than ever cyber security needs to be addressed. This year’s pandemic has forced businesses to move forward digitally to work-from-home otherwise all operations cease.
Below are 5 top security tips your business can follow.

1. Keep Software up to Date

Installation of software updates for your businesses operating system and programs used is priority. Make sure the latest updates are available to ensure you have a high level of security covering your business.

  • Turn on Automatic Updates for your operating system
  • Use web browsers such as Chrome or Firefox that receive frequent, automatic security updates
  • Make sure to keep browser plug-ins up-to-date.

2. Train your Employees

Establish basic security policies and allow employees to understand how to protect business information and avoid cyber attacks.

  • Never opening attachments from suspicious emails, test the training with phishing simulation.
  • Making sure strong passwords are used to protect accounts
  • Regularly, informing employees on the latest cyber attack techniques and penetration methods.

3. Backup Data

Being one step ahead of a cyber attack is making sure you have all data and information for a business backed up elsewhere and even off site from your business. This will prevent your business losing all information and data. Make sure all backup’s work regularly too.

  • Backing up on an encrypted external hard drive
  • Use an online backup service
  • Backup in multiple locations
  • Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft One Drive can be used for backups, but their day to day use though is as collaboration tools.

4. Use 2FA and MFA

With a lot of employees accessing services and data using cloud technologies logins need to be protected. Better protection can be achieved by implementing 2FA. This means when someone logins in to a website or cloud service they will be required to enter a code usually sent via SMS or an authentication application. This adds and extra layer of security by making sure the user is in possession of a trusted device.

  • Two- factor authentication (2fA) – requires users to have 2 types of authentication, a password and one time password (OTP)
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA), involves an extra requirement to be accepted for verification, such as a fingerprint or iris scan
  • MFA provides an extra layer of security and is highly recommended to be put into practice for businesses.

5. Test your Network and Websites Are Secure

A penetration test also known as pen testing or ethical hacking is the practice of testing a computer system, networks and web applications to discover any security vulnerabilities within a business. Vulnerability assessments look at the devices on your network and check to see if the software is up to date or has known security issues.

Don’t become the next victim of cyber crime. Follow these 5 tips to help ensure your business is cyber security safe.